Mongoose is an ORM module for node.js that give you utility to create ORM database with no-sql database MongoDB. NoSql database has a lot of pros come with it, but has a lot of cons too. For example RDBMS can Select * From rand(), mongodb can't do that.
Yes, you can't find random document in mongodb. But I have found how to create schema that able to find it by random. Here is mine:
var exampleSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
random_point: {type: Schema.Types.Mixed, default: [Math.random(), 0]}
Insert some documents:
var Example = mongoose.model('Example', exampleSchema);
var example = new Example({ name: "Testa", random_point: [Math.random(), 0] }); (err) {
if (err) // ...
console.log('testa successfull');
And you can find it by random:
Example.find({random_point: {$near: [Math.random(), 0] }}, function(error, result){console.log(result); })Actually for mongodb this requires only one query and no null checks, and the code is cleaner, simpler and more flexible. for example:
// Enable geospatial indexing on a collection { random_point: '2d' } )
// Create a bunch of documents with random points on the X-axis
for ( i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { key: i, random_point: [Math.random(), 0] } );
// Get a random document {random_point : { $near : [Math.random(), 0] } } )
// Or you can retrieve several document nearest to a random point { random_point : { $near : [Math.random(), 0] } } ).limit( 4 )
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